“Reason is one way of finding truth. It is a distinctively human way; animals can't do it. We can. So let's begin.”

Peter Kreeft

John Brehany, Ph.D., S.T.L.

Dr. Brehany served as the Catholic Medical Association Executive Director and Ethicist from 2006 through 2014. He was responsible for overseeing operations of the CMA at its headquarters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, providing direction on health care ethics and public policy issues, supporting membership and guild development, serving as spokesman to the media, and coordinating publications, advertising, and overall development.

Dr. Brehany received his undergraduate education at the University of San Francisco, graduating with majors in philosophy and theology in 1983. He received a M.A. in Philosophy from University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas in 1987, a Licentiate in Sacred Theology from the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in Washington, D.C. in 1991, and a Ph.D. in Health Care Ethics from Saint Louis University in 2003.

Before joining the Catholic Medical Association, Dr. Brehany served as Executive Director of Mission Services and Ethics for Mercy Medical Center, Sioux City, Iowa, where he was responsible for mission integration, ethics consultation and education, pastoral care, and the community benefit ministry program. Dr. Brehany and his wife Marybeth are the proud parents of seven children.