Instead of being just a Church that welcomes and receives by keeping the doors open, let us try also to be a Church that finds new roads, that is able to step outside itself and go to those who do not attend Mass, to those who have quit or are indifferent.

Pope Francis

February 2016 Newsletter

Federal Legislative Update

Health care conscience rights protection is becoming a more critical concern, both at the national and state levels. There are elected officials at the national level that are preparing for the fight that will be necessary to protect our right to refuse to provide services which are unethical. HR940 ("Health Care Conscience Rights Act") was introduced by Representative Diane Black (R-TN) a year ago, but has not reported out of committee yet. There are 157 Republican cosponsors, and only two Democratic cosponsors....neither of them are Cheri Bustos (D-IL) or Dave Loebsack (D-IL). Please contact these two representatives from our area to express your support for HR940!

In the US Senate, a similar bill, S. 1919, has also been introduced, by Senator James Lankford (R-OK). This bill has been in committee since August 2015. There are 23 Republican cosponsors, however none of the four Senators from Illinois or Illinois are cosponsors. Please contact Senators Grassley (R-IA), Ernst (R-IA), Kirk (R-IL), and Durbin (D-IL) with your support of this bill!

Iowa Legislative Update

Yesterday (February 19th) was the Legislative deadline for bills to pass out of committee to remain eligible. Fortunately, a Senate bill proposing physician-assisted suicide (SF2051) had not passed out of subcommittee. However, the efforts of groups such as "Compassion & Choices" (formerly known as the Hemlock Society) will continue to push for this perversion of health care services. We must be ready to push back!

A House bill to stop trafficking of abortion-derived fetal tissue (HF2140) passed out of a House subcommittee last week. With the clearly unethical, immoral, and likely illegal actions of Planned Parenthood exposed, letting your representative know of the importance of measures such as this is critical!

Illinois Legislative Update

As of this week, there is no specific bill introduced regarding physician-assisted suicide in Illinois. However, according to Illinois Citizens For Life, a draft of a bill supporting this has been in circulation. Our Illinois members and friends must let your state legislators know of your opposition to any and all measures of this type!

KTJT-FM – Quad Cities Catholic Radio

Please help support the power of Catholic radio in the Quad Cities! KTJT-FM broadcasts the wonderful programming of Relevant Radio 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The station is now initiating a capital campaign to expand the station's coverage of the QCA. The first project involves moving the primary tower to a central Davenport location, broadcasting at 103.1. This will then be followed by a new translator tower in the Pleasant Valley area, which will broadcast at 95.3 FM. Coverage will then be dramatically increased to an audience of approximately 400,000 people! To make this happen, a total of $150,000 is needed quickly, as an early May deadline must be met to meet FCC requirements. You can contact the station at or by calling 563-275-6524. Please mail your contributions (check payable to "KTJT Catholic Radio") to:

KTJT Catholic Radio

403 Dover Court

Davenport, IA 52803. Checks payable to KTJT Catholic Radio