"No human relationship is hopeless because no human being is hopeless."

Peter Kreeft

St. Thomas Aquinas Guild of the Quad Cities



  • 1953 - Linacre Guild of Rock Island County was established


  • 1st president - Clement P. Cunningham, MD, graduate of Loyola University School of Medicine in Chicago (1945)
  • Ethical issues of the time: Abortion, Contraception, Tubal ligation, Fee Splitting/ Referral Fees


  • 1963-1964 Dr. Cunningham president elect of the national Catholic Medical Association


  • 2nd president - Florens Bollaert, MD, graduate of Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago (1922)


  • 3rd president - George A. Cook, MD, graduate of Syracuse University in NY (1933) and Medical School in Chicago (1937)


  • 4th president - Thomas W. Carter, MD, graduate of University of Illinois, College of Medicine in Chicago (1951)


  • 5th president - Richard L. Phillis, MD, graduate of University of Illinois, College of Medicine in Chicago (1960)


  • 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision lead to gradual inactivation of the Guild with the remaining members eventualy joining the Peoria Guild


  • 2013 Rev. Johnjoseph D. Logan, Drs. Clement P. Cunningham, Timothy P. Millea, and Michal Porubcin attended the CMA 82nd Annual Educational Conference (Santa Barbara, CA). The idea of a new CMA-chartered Guild in the Quad Cities was born.


  • Jan. 28, 2014 - St. Thomas Aquinas Guild of the Quad Cities was established
  • 1st president - Thimoty P. Millea, MD, graduate of University of South Alabama, College of Medicine (1986)

St. Thomas Aquinas Guild of the Quad Cities Website