“God doesn't change His mind to conform to opinion polls - we did not elect Him to be God, and we cannot vote Him out of the office.”

Peter Kreeft

World Federation of the Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC)



  • 1884 Medical Society St. Luke, St. Cosmas and St. Domian was founded by a surgeon in Le Mans during the strong anti-Catholic sentiment in France, Germany and England


  • 1924 Central Secreteriat of National Societies of Catholic Doctors was founded by Octave Pasteau, physician in Paris, in a first attempt to coordinate local guilds of European countries


  • 1935 1st World Congress was held in Brussels with theme of "The role of physicians and associations of catholic physicians in the Christian rebuilding of society", with delegates from USA, Colombia and Chile


  • 1949 Second independent International Secretariat was founded in Rome


  • 1951 The two Secretariats merge during the 5th World Congress in Paris


  • 1966 Official Statues and Bylaws of FIAMC were adopted by the General Assembly during 11th International Congress in Manila and approved by the Holy See


  • 1970 12th World Congress was held in Washington D.C. with the theme of "The Catholic Physician and the Conservation of Life"


  • 1998 19th World Congress was held in New York with the theme of "Medical Ethics in the Third Millennium: Christ's Healing love Through the Gospel of Life"


  • 2014 24th World Congress was held in Manila, Philippines with the theme of "The Catholic doctor in an era of secularization and technology"


  • World Federation of Catholic Medical Association is now made up of about 80 National Catholic Physicians' Associations worldwide, divided into 6 regions, with North America beeing designated as Region V.

FIAMC Website