“Reason is one way of finding truth. It is a distinctively human way; animals can't do it. We can. So let's begin.”

Peter Kreeft


For more information regarding the purchase of the following audio-material please visit CMA store.

2015 Annual Catholic Medical Association Conference

2015 Philadelphia Educational Conference Full Set of 22 CDs

Entire set of 22 talks from the CMA's 84th Annual Educational Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 1-3, 2015

2015 Philadelphia Educational Conference Full Set on 2 MP3 CDs

Entire set of 22 talks from the CMA's 84th Annual Educational Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 1-3, 2015

2015 Philadelphia Educational Conference Full Set on a Flash Drive

Entire set of 22 talks from the CMA's 84th Annual Educational Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 1-3, 2015


Kathleen Raviele, M.D., Wounds of Contraception

Chris Kahlenborn, M.D., Plan B: Not a Plan

Gerald Burke, M.D., Ravages of Assisted Reproduction

Angela Lanfranchi, M.D., Breast Cancer: The Pill and Abortion

Anthony Levatino, M.D., Damages from Abortion

Marie Joseph, M.A., Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Theresa Burke, Ph.D., Healing Wounds of Abortion

Marguerite Duane, M.D., Fertility Awareness Methods

Thomas Hilgers, M.D., NaPro Technology: Prolife Women's Healthcare

Mark Houck M.A., Pornography: The Scourge of Our Times

Brad Wilcox, Ph.D., For the Least of These: Why Marriage is a Social Justice Issue

Philip Mango, M.D., Sexual Addiction

Richard Fitzgibbons, M.D., Same Sex Attraction: The Right to Informed Consent

Peter Kleponis, Ph.D., Healing Pornography

Richard Fitzgibbons, M.D., Divorce Prevention

Damon Owens, God's Plan for a Joy Filled Marriage

Gregory Popcak, Ph.D., Theology of the Body Principles for Sexual Conflict Resolution

Rev. Roger Landry, Rediscovering Virtue

Rev. Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R., Deadly Dispositions: The Vices that Feed Our Culture

Rev. Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D., Healing the Culture

Peter Kreeft, Ph.D., Winning the Culture War

Rev. Juan Velez, M.D., Medicine: The Art of Healing and the Sacraments

2014 Annual Catholic Medical Association Conference

2014 Orlando Educational Conference Full Set of 19 CDs

Entire set of 19 talks from the CMA's 83rd Annual Educational Conference in Orlando, Florida, September 25 - 27, 2014.

2014 Orlando Educational Conference Full Set on 1 MP3 CD

Entire set of 19 talks from the CMA's 83rd Annual Educational Conference in Orlando, Florida, September 25 - 27, 2014. MP3 format on 1 CD.

2014 Orlando Educational Conference Full Set on a Flash Drive

Entire set of 19 talks on a Flash Drive from the CMA's 83rd Annual Educational Conference in Orlando, Florida, September 25 - 27, 2014.


Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, J.C.D., Physicians as Standard in the New Evangelization

Mike Aquilina, Challenges Before Us in Historical Perspective

Charles LiMandri, J.D., St. Thomas More, Saint of Conscience: A Man for This Season

Rev. Roger J. Landry, Bifurcation of Faith and Reason: Unleashing Radical Secularism and Its Impact on Medicine

Mary Jo Anderson, How Int'l Law and Public Policy Threaten Catholic Medical Practice

Charles LiMandri, J.D., Catholics in Medicine: On the Front Lines of the Culture War

Rev. Robert McTeigue, S.J., Ph.D., Moral Courage in Medicine

William Brennan, Ph.D., War of Words: Challenging Destructive Medical Rhetoric

Ashley Fernandes, M.D., Ph.D., Catholic Medical Professionals: Reclaiming Surrendered Ground in Bioethics Most

Rev. Zygmunt Zimowski, S.T.D., Pastoral Care in Health and the New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Faith

Franklin Smith, M.D., POLST: Life Sustaining or Life Ending?

Joseph Dutkowsky, M.D., The Face of Modern Eugenics

Patrick Yeung Jr., M.D., Fertility and Infertility Within a Catholic Moral Vision

Sr. Mary Diana Dreger, O.P., M.D., F.A.C.P., The Catholic Physician: A Sign of (Non) Contradiction

Brandon Vogt, Medicine on Mars Hill: Courage and Faith in the Digital Age Most

Rev. James D. Conley, D.D., S.T.L., The Key to Evangelization: Personal Holiness

Austin Ruse, No Finer Time to be a Faithful Catholic

Mary Jo Anderson, Acts of Valor

George Weigel, Evangelical Catholicism in the Healing Professions

2013 Annual Catholic Medical Association Conference

2013 Santa Barbara Educational Conference Full Set on 2 MP3 CDs

Entire set of 23 talks from the CMA's 82nd Annual Educational Conference in Santa Barbara, California, October 24-26, 2013. MP3 format on 1 CD.

2013 Santa Barbara Educational Conference Full Set on a Flash Drive

Entire set of 23 talks from the CMA's 82nd Annual Educational Conference in Santa Barbara, California, October 24-26, 2013.


Joseph Capizzi. Ph.D., and Karen Wright, D.C., "What Is Basic Health Care"

William J. Cox, "Pending Healthcare Delivery Crisis in Light of Medicare and Social Security Deficits"

William J. Cox, "Washington Update on Health Care"

Frederick F. Fakharzadeh, M.D., "The Core CST Principle of Subsidiarity and Its Implication for National Healthcare Schemes"

Matthew Hanley, M.P.H., "Neglecting Human Ecology: The Common Element of Failures to Curb Malaria, AIDS, and Maternal Mortality"

Matthew Hanley, M.P.H., "Principles of Catholic Social Justice Applied to the AIDs Epidemic; the Africa Experience"

Rev. Joseph C. Howard, "History of Catholic Social Justice: Implications for Health Care"

Walter B. Hoye II, "Barriers to the Pro-Life Movement in the Afro-American Community"

Christopher Kaczor, Ph.D., "Seven Fundamental Principles of Catholic Social Justice and Healthcare Implications"

Mark B. Kastleman, "The Neuroscience Behind the Pornography Pandemic: Real Solutions"

Sr. Mary Clare Mancini, O.C.D., R.D., N.H.A., "Catholic Spirituality and Its Social Implications for Healthcare"

Jennifer Miller, Ph.D., Part I: "Ethical Standards in the Pharmaceutical Industry"

Jennifer Miller, Ph.D., Part II: "The Problem of Corruption and Distrust in Health Care - A Roadmap for Reform"

Stephen W. Mosher, M.S., M.A., "Population Demographics' Effect on Healthcare Delivery in U.S. and Abroad"

Robert Nalewajek, "Precisely, What Is Catholic Social Teaching?"

Dan O'Brien, Ph.D., "Leveraging For-Profit Tools to Serve the Catholic Healthcare Ministry"

Carter Snead, J.D., "Secularism and Its Threat to Religious Liberty and Conscience in Health Care"

Carter Snead, J.D., "Legal Implications of Catholic Social Teaching in Health Care"

Rev. Paul Sullins, Ph.D., "Practical Application of Catholic Social Justice in Medical Practice"

Rev. Msgr. Stuart Swetland, S.T.D., "Catholic Social Teaching as the Key to Understanding the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Healthcare Services"

Rev. Joseph Tham, L.C., Ph.D., The Impact of Technological Advances on Healthcare Delivery

Andreas Widmer, M.A., "Is the Human Person the Problem or Solution in Health Care?"

Andreas Widmer, M.A., "Person Centered Solutions vs. Capitalistic/Socialistic Solutions to the Healthcare Crisis"

2012 Annual Catholic Medical Association Conference

2012 Saint Paul Educational Conference Full Set of 19 CDs

Entire set of 19 talks from the CMA's 81st Annual Educational Conference in Saint Paul, Minnesota, September 27-29, 2012

2012 Saint Paul Educational Conference Full Set on 1 MP3 CD

Entire set of 19 talks from the CMA's 81st Annual Educational Conference in Saint Paul, Minnesota, September 27-29, 2012. MP3 format on 1 CD.


Carl Anderson, "The Church of the Good Samaritan and the Evangelization of Catholic Health Care"

Rev. John Bartunek, L.C., Th.D., "Making All Things New: The Priest in the New Evangelization"

Rev. Philip Bochanski, C.O., "'This Urgent Task': The New Evangelization in the Pastoral Agenda of Pope Benedict XVI"

Teresa Collett, J.D., "Medicine, Law, and the Church in Crisis: Lessons from Dr. Seuss"

Wes Ely, M.D., M.P.H., "Faith at the End-of-Life: An Intensivist's Perspective"

Brian Gail, "Where Is the Hope?"

Rev. Joseph R. Johnson, "The Call to Holiness as the Foundation for Catholic Health Care"

Mother Ann Marie Karlovic, O.P., "The New Commandment and the New Evangelization: Culture of Love-Culture of Life"

Rev. Michael Keating, Ph.D., "Brave New World: A Historical Context for the New Evangelization"

Peter Kilpatrick, Ph.D., "Duc in altum: Building a Culture of Life in a Modern Catholic University"

Rev. Brian Mullady, O.P., "Deposing the Dictatorship of Relativism: The Legacy of John Paul II"

Jere Palazzolo, "Casa USA: Duplicating Padre Pio's Hospital in America"

Tom Peterson, "Our World Needs Catholic Heroes"

R.R. Reno, Ph.D., "Bringing Faith into the Public Square"

Les Ruppersberger, D.O., "On the Road to Damascus: From OCP to NFP"

Mother Mary Quentin Sheridan, R.S.M., "Women Religious in Health Care and the New Evangelization"

Rev. Robert A. Sirico, "Allocating Scarce Economic Resources and Human Health: What's a Catholic To Do?"

Rev. Robert Spitzer, S.J., "Seven Ways to Use New Media for Intellectual Evangelization"

George Weigel, "John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and the Catholic Church of the 21st Century"

2011 Annual Catholic Medical Association Conference

2011 Phoenix Educational Conference Full Set of 16 CDs

Entire set of 16 talks from the CMA's 80th Annual Educational Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, October 6-8, 2011.

2011 Phoenix Educational Conference Full Set on 1 MP3 CD

Entire set of 16 talks from the CMA's 80th Annual Educational. Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, October 6-8, 2011. MP3 format on 1 CD.


Sr. Terese Auer, O.P., Ph.D., "Moral Decision Making"

John Brehany, Ph.D., S.T.L. "The ABC's of the ERDs"

Douglas G. Bushman, S.T.L., "Formation of Catholic Physicians for the New Evangelization: Doctrinal, Spiritual, and Pastoral"

Byron C. Calhoun, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., F.A.C.S., "Pulmonary Hypertension & Pregnancy"

Sr. Mary Diana Dreger, O.P., M.D., F.A.C.P., "The Practice of Virtue in the Practice of Medicine"

Very Rev. Christopher Fraser, J.C.L., "The Munus Regendi: The Exercise of the Bishop's Pastoral Governance in Health Care"

Most Rev. José H. Gómez, "Human Dignity at the End of Life"

John M. Haas, Ph.D., S.T.L., "Direct Abortion: Differing Definitions"

Christopher Kaczor, Ph.D., "The 10 Commandments for Health-Care Workers"

Medical Student Forum

NFP Forum

Nikolas T. Nikas, J.D., M.A., "The Challenges and Glory of Conscientious Practice: What Every Catholic Health-Care Professional Should Know"

Alan E. Sears, J.D., "Current Conscience Litigation Landscape"

W. David Solomon, Ph.D., "Foundations of Clinical Ethics"

Craig Steven Titus, S.T.D., Ph.D., "Classic Thought on Virtue and the Modern Sciences"

Most Rev. James S. Wall, "Growth in the Interior Life"

For more information regarding the purchase of the above audio-material please visit CMA store.



Answering Common Objections - 6-CD Set

By Dr. Scott Hahn

As a former Protestant minister, Dr. Scott Hahn knows all too well the disputes between Catholic and non-Catholic Christians. Lighthouse Catholic Media


Life is Worth Living - 18-CD Set

By Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

For more than 30 years, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was the most famous Catholic leader in the United States with a worldwide radio and TV broadcast ministry. When it came to undiluted Christian teachings, Catholics and non-Catholics alike turned to "Bishop Sheen" .


Transformation In Christ: The Wisdom of St. John of The Cross 6-CD Set

By Ralph Martin

In this straightforward presentation, Ralph Martin brings the profound yet practical wisdom of the great medieval mystic "down to earth", presenting the teachings of this well-known saint in a way that makes sense to the average person.


Apologetics of St. Thomas Aquinas 6-CD Set

By Mark McNeil

Most Apologetics answer particular objections to the Faith, but to really understand and defend your Faith, you must first understand - and be able to explain - the basic principles of Catholic theology. More than any other theologian, St. Thomas Aquinas can guide you to this wisdom. Proclaimed the Universal Doctor of the Church, St. Thomas starts from the ground up giving you an entire system of Catholic thought .


Fire And Sword: Crusade & Inquisition 3-CD Set

By Matt Arnold

In this fascinating series, Catholic convert Matt Arnold pits the common misinterpretations about the Crusades, Inquisition and Reformation against the findings of modern scholarship and what he uncovers will amaze you! In this informative presentation, he reveals that those who have a stake in keeping the myths and misconceptions alive are actively obscuring the best scholarship from both religious and secular historians.

Luther: The Rest of the Story 3-CD Set

By Ken Hensley

Whatever your opinion of Luther and his religious revolt, you owe it to yourself to discover the surprising truth about his actual teachings and his little-known devotion to much that has been rejected by his spiritual descendants. A former Protestant Pastor, Hensley brings a unique perspective to the critical examination of a man whose doctrines he once held with great devotion.


John Calvin: Inside The Protestant Mind 3-CD Set

By Ken Hensley

An absolute must for everyone who has ever had a friend or loved one leave the Catholic Faith for Protestant Christianity, this CD series will empower you to really understand the 16th Century movement known as the "Reformation" and discover important insights about the way today's evangelical Bible Christians think and believe.


Radical Reformers: The Story Of The Baptists 3-CD Set

By Ken Hensley

In this series, you will be introduced to an early group of Protestants who completely broke with the Church of Rome by forming their own "simple" Church based on what they perceived to be the New Testament pattern.


The Mormon Challenge 3-CD Set

By Paul Dupre

Paul Dupre left the Catholic Church for the Mormon Temple only to return again. But what happened in between has to be heard to be believed.


Myth, Morality & Religion 5-CD Set

By Richard Purtill

This book demonstrates the moral depth in Tolkien's work and cuts through current subjectivism and cynicism about morality. A careful reader will find a subtle religious dimension to Tolkien's work—all the more potent because it is below the surface.


Morality, Medicine and Marriage 3-CD Set

By Scott Hahn, Kimberly Hahn and Fr. Benedict Groeschel.

What does it mean to practice "marital chastity" and how can you achieve it in your own marriage? What does it mean to follow our Holy Father's request to make of your home and family a "domestic church"? What timeless truths are found in an ancient oath sworn by modern physicians, and how can embracing these truths help lead you to a truly universal biblical worldview?


Salt of the Earth: Interview 6-CD Set

By Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger and Peter Seewald

In 1996 Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger granted an unprecedented in-depth interview to German journalist Peter Seewald on the controversial and difficult issues facing the Church in the Third Millennium.


The Dead Sea Scrolls

By Dr. Michael Barber

What are the Dead Sea Scrolls? Who wrote them and why? What do they reveal and how does it affect your faith? Do the Scrolls really contain secret revelations that challenge the very foundations of the Christian faith as some "scholars" claim? Has the Catholic Church and a handful of elite religious scholars conspired to suppress the revolutionary contents of the Dead Sea Scrolls?